
The 21 Biggest lies about Donald Trump (and you!)
by Kurt Schichter
256 Pages · 2015 · 1MB · 56 Downloads · New!
“The 21 Biggest lies about Donald Trump (and you!)” is a fact-based book. It tells us how great leaders like Trump lie in public gatherings. This mind-blowing book is written by Kurt Schichter. He is a columnist and conservative author. Due to his blunt and straight forward way of talking about anyone although a layman or a famous political leader makes him famous. He is mostly seen in Fox News and New York Times. In this book, the author tells how Trump-like most of the other leaders cover up his shortcomings in front of the public? How it behaves to any story against him. This book tells us what are the behind the scene policies of trump for other countries and media and opponents of his own. How Trump covers up the accusation of racism in his own country and why most racists are democrats and no one can put an objection on it. All this is due to the policies made by Trump and his lies in front of the public. This is an interesting book especially for those who have an interest in journalism and want to be a part of country’s biggest business called as politics. This book is fact-filled and way of writing is impressive and inspiring.


