
by Laura Lynne Jackson
320 Pages · 2015 · 2.7 MB · 47 Downloads · New!
The “Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe” is a guide book that teaches us how to discern and understand the myriad spiritual signs in our lives. Laura Lynne Jackson is the author of this self-help book. Laura is a high school English teacher and psychic medium who has been certified by the wind bridge institute for Applied Research in Human Potential and the Forever Family Foundation. Signs is her first book. In her first book, Laura teaches us how to recognize and interpret the life-changing messages from loved ones. This book can open up a different way to communicate. Through inspiring stories of just how hard our loved ones are always communicating through Signs. Laura shows us that love never dies and gives us the tools to experience this in our lives.
Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe
by Laura Lynne Jackson
0 Pages · 2015 · 310 · 52 Downloads · New!
“Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson” is a story of love, loss, heartbreak, and unbreakable bonds. This novel is written by Laura Lynne Jackson .  This is a gorgeous story about how life doesn’t always work out the way we want it to, but if we’re willing, we can still make it a great life. It is a good compelling story, engaging, and easy to read. This is the perfect holiday novel, you can pick it up and get straight back into the story. The novel “Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson” is an enjoyable story that moves along at a good pace. It is not too quickly, but at a pace that keeps the reader engaged waiting to discover the outcome. It has a satisfactory ending which is a little predictable but ties up all the loose ends. Some of the male characters are a little too good to be true but that doesn’t spoil any part of the story. The author switches between the two time periods effortlessly and easily which doesn’t always happen in these kinds of books. Each storyline had a richness that was only strengthened by the comparison and contrast to the other.


