
by Robert W. Weisberg, Lauretta M. Reeves
744 Pages · 2013 · 18 MB · 2,398 Downloads · New!
Cognition is the medical psychology and cognitive psychology book which briefly explains the functioning of memory and cognition. Robert W. Weisberg and Lauretta M. Reeves are the authors of this magnificent book. Cognition is the process that allows us to perform different operations. It processes and translates input from the world which is easy to recognize such as the sound of the bell, alarm clock, and horn, etc. Cognition helps us to make a decision such as what to wear in the meeting, when to call a meeting and remembering the people you would like to have in your meeting. This book offers a clear search and well-illustrated presentation of the field which covers all the sides. What do you know about models of memory and how it works? What is the difference between retrieval and encoding?


