
The Soul of Money
by Lynne Twist
305 Pages · 2015 · 1  MB · 63 Downloads · New!
The Soul of Money is the money and self-development guide in which the author shares the art of earning, spending and giving money. Lynne Twist is the author of this outstanding book. This is a wonderful book which shows how the elegant way to deal with money. She is the global activist who raised $150 million in her life for charitable causes. Lynne shares her personal stories which are full of lesson and wisdom. The modern human is running behind money, fame and power. While some people have all these things in their life but they are not satisfied. Those who do not have money are in hope to earn more money. How the people from the low background can mark their way to a successful career. She shares the story of some honourable people who make a great impact on the lives of people without having the lust for money. The life of Mother Teresa is an example for us, she devoted her entire life to save the destitute and poor people in the entire world. Most of the years from a life she spends in Calcutta where she meets the needs of people. The same of helping humanity by Dalai Lama, he got the noble prize for benefiting humanity in prime years of his life. He did each and everything for the liberation of Tibet and there are many more examples. Money is important in our life but there are various other ways to find real happiness.


