
I’ve Been Thinking
by Maria Shriver
240 Pages · 2018 · 2 MB · 50 Downloads · New!
I’ve Been Thinking is the devotional, meditation, personal growth, and self-help book that offers techniques and tips to connect with God. Maria Shriver is the author of this outstanding book. She is the bestselling author in the New York Times. She is the award-winning author, producer and journalist. She is an incredible woman who donated her entire life to helping people. This book focuses on the prayers, reflections, and meditations for a meaningful life. The best way to spend your life is to live it with a purpose. It is filled with guidance, inspiration, encouragement, and wisdom to live a meaningful life. Maria tries to explain the reality of life through different examples. She shared inspiring quotes, reflections, and practical strategies that are specially designed to help people. It is an ideal book for anyone who is struggling in their life. She focuses on the issues that we face in our daily life. Maria states that it will never be a perfect time to enjoy your life. You have to start enjoying the present moment no matter how tough the situation is. How to handle your life when you are far away from your family and missing them badly.


