
Ella Minnow Pea
by Mark Dunn
208 Pages · 2015 · 1 · 27 Downloads · New!
The “Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters” is a fiction, thriller, and spiritual novel for the readers. Ella Minnow Pea is written by the author Mark Dunn. Mark is the author of seven novels and more than thirty full-length plays. He has been the recipient of several national playwriting awards. In this novel, Mark Dunn describes a life story about a girl Ella. Ella stays behind to fight the good fight against that idiotic restriction. The story is told through a series of letters between citizens of Nollop, and it becomes more challenging to read these exchanges when an increasing number of letters are banned. At first, superficially less common and unimportant letters conveniently fell from the statue, so no worries. But as the story discloses, there are in fact certain words with such letters that can’t quite be expressed the same with substitutions. Now turns out these letters. It certainly becomes a mental challenge to work around illicit letters and communicate the same. To know about it further, they could receive the letter or not, read this fiction novel. To sum it up, Ella Minnow Pea is an interesting fiction novel for the readers.


