
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
by Mark Twain
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“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: Originally Illustrations” is a fiction and thriller novel. Mark Twain is the author of this fiction novel. Mark Twain was an American humorist, satirist, social critic, lecturer, and novelist. He is mostly remembered for his novels, because his novels are meaningful, spiritual, and funny, and it will engage the readers from first to the last page. In this novel, Mark Twain tells the character of two boys, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. They grew up within Missouri. They are genius and brave, and they have a creative and positive mind, also help the needy people. Tom has become a part of an American legend.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
by Mark Twain
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Referring to Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, H. L. Mencken noted that his discovery of this classic American novel was "the most stupendous event of my whole life"; Ernest Hemingway declared that "all modern American literature stems from this one book," while T. S. Eliot called Huck "one of the permanent symbolic figures of fiction, not unworthy to take a place with Ulysses, Faust, Don Quixote, Don Juan, Hamlet."The novel's preeminence derives from its wonderfully imaginative re-creation of boyhood adventures along the Mississippi River, its inspired characterization, the author's remarkable ear for dialogue, and the book's understated development of serious underlying themes: "natural" man versus "civilized" society, the evils of slavery, the innate value and dignity of human beings, and other topics.Most of all, Huckleberry Finn is a wonderful story, filled with high adventure and unforgettable characters.
Mark Twain's Weapons of Satire
by Mark Twain
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Mark Twain was described by a contemporary newspaper as the "most influential anti-imperialist and the most dreaded critic of the sacrosanct person in the White House that the country contains." Although not a pacifist, Twain was the most prominent opponent of the Philippine-American War. Today, however, this aspect of Mark Twain's career is barely known. His writings on the war have never been collected in a single volume, and a number of them are published here for the first time. Although he was a vice president of the Anti-Imperialist League from 1901 to 1910, until now no thorough study had been made of his relationship with the organized opposition to the war.Drawing upon the unpublished manuscripts of Mark Twain and various leaders of the League, Jim Zwick's Introduction and headnotes provide the most complete account of Twain's involvement in the anti-imperialist movement. Mark Twain's writings sparked intense controversy when they were written. Readers will appreciate the continuing relevance and quotability of his statements on the abuse of patriotism, the "treason" of requiring school children to salute the flag, the right to dissent, the importance of self-government, and the value of America's democratic and anticolonial traditions. This book will prove valuable to all who are interested in Twain and his works as well as to teachers of literature, peace studies, and history.


