
Photoshop CS2 RAW
by Mikkel Aaland
400 Pages · 2015 · 27 MB · 18 Downloads · New!
The “Photoshop CS2 RAW: Using Adobe Camera Raw, Bridge, and Photoshop to Get the Most out of Your Digital Camera” is a great book about Photoshop CS2 RAW. Mikkel Aaland is the author of this book. Adobe Photoshop CS2 is emerging as the best place to edit RAW images, and the best way to master this new format is with Photoshop CS2 RAW. An important book dedicated to working with RAW in Photoshop, this comprehensive guide features a unique design that helps readers grasp the subject through visual instruction and prompts. This book tells how to use ACR, which is the front end of Adobe Photoshop, and is used to process digital photographs taken utilizing the RAW format. This is the format that provides more information and opportunities to control the image than the JPEG format, but also requires more manipulation to get the photograph from camera to final output. There is other software that can be used to process RAW images but Photoshop, with good reason, dominates the market. So if you want to master this great software, bag this book.


