
The Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls
by Mona Eltahawy
216 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 64 Downloads · New!
“The Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls” is an excellent feminist book. The author of this informative book is Mona Eltahawy. Mona is an author, activist, and commentator. Her essays have appeared in the New York Times, WashingtonPost, Time and New York Magazine, among many others. Mona is an Egyptian-born writer and is very clear that her brand of feminism requires standing against white supremacy too. In this book, Mona talks about feminism, but feminism specifically from the perspective of a Muslim woman of color. She calls the seven necessary sins that women and girls are not supposed to commit, like to be angry, violent, profane, ambitious, attention-seeking, lustful and powerful. This book provides readers with everything they need to launch their latest assault on the patriarchy. Additionally, she is not promoting a hostile takeover, instead, she is promoting equality. She also reveals some principles on how to live a happy life with a hectic routine of life. To sum it up, The Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls is a great feminist book.


