
Should Robots Replace Teachers?
by Neil Selwyn
160 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 25 Downloads · New!
The “Should Robots Replace Teachers?: AI and the Future of Education (Digital Futures)” is a great book that analyzes the role of technology in education. This book engages all the readers from start to end of page and worth to read. Neil Selwyn is the author of this book. Neil is a professor of Education at Monash University, Melbourne. In this book, Neil Selwyn describes how robots are changing the nature of education and also another life method. Robots can play an important role in the education of young people. Robots have changed the lives of people, they can work without error and more efficiently perform tasks at a consistent level of accuracy. They save time and perform difficult tasks where people feel hesitant. Most educators remain convinced of the need for human teachers. The author pushes conversation about AI and education into the realm of values, judgements and politics. To sum it up, Should Robots Replace Teachers? It is a necessary book for anyone who is interested in the future of education.


