
by Pat Flynn, Pat Fynn
224 Pages · 2015 · 3 MB · 48 Downloads · New!
The “Superfans: The Easy Way to Stand Out, Grow Your Tribe, and Build a Successful Business” is a great book which describes how to make the superfans. Pat Flynn is the author of this popular book. Pat Flynn is a beloved thought leader in digital marketing, online entrepreneurship, and lifestyle business. Pat Flynn is routinely celebrated for his transparent leadership style and authentic principles. He is also an advisor to Pencils of Promise, a nonprofit organization dedicated to building schools in the developing world. In this best-selling book, Pat talks about superfans. Superfans is a solid book filled with full of ideas that will help the entrepreneur to connect on a deeper level with your audience and rally them to help you take over the world. Pat has lots of examples about brands and personalities that he approves of how they are creating superfans. If you make a businessman, then your superfans will be your biggest supporters. They will promote you, your products and also will send you encouraging emails. To sum it up, Superfans is a must-read book for business owners, musicians, YouTubers, podcasters and other creative personalities.


