
First Things First
by Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca R. Merrill
384 Pages · 2015 · 3 MB · 39 Downloads · New!
“First Things First” book teaches you how much time you waste throughout your day and how easy it is to manage your time. Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill and Rebecca R. Merrill are the authors of this book. This is a rich, moving and powerful book for anyone who is open to its message. While the language is a little overblown, the basic message is truly profound. The authors have identified a clear path to a way of life that enriches the person, the people around, and the world at large. For a principle-centred living, it is critical to focus on activities that are important, and not just urgent. We must learn to live by the compass of principles instead of focusing on the clock.


