
She Felt Like Feeling Nothing
by r.h. Sin
144 Pages · 2018 · 1.79 MB · 150 Downloads · New!
She Felt Like Feeling Nothing is a poetry book that pursues themes of self-discovery and retrospection. r.h. Sin is the author of this book. Sin is a great writer who always brings great, lovely and impressive words. This book helps readers to realize what love really is. Some of these love poems hit home in so many levels. There are moments when the heart no longer wishes to feel because everything it’s felt up until then has brought it nothing but anguish. Sin pursues themes of self-discovery and retrospection. With this book, the poet intends to create a safe space where women can rest their weary hearts and focus on themselves. It’s a quick read but worth but it’s worth it. In short, this book is one of the best books and we highly recommend this especially for women and even men who have gone through an abusive relationship.
She Just Wants to Forget (Volume 2) (What She Felt)
by r.h. Sin
208 Pages · 2019 · 1 MB · 73 Downloads · New!
“She Just Wants to Forge (Volume 2) (What She Felt)” explains a great points about self-love and female empowerment. r.h. Sin is the author of this outstanding book. He is living in New York who writes poetry under the pen name r.h. Sin. “Sin” is an ode to the Mesopotamian god of the moon. In this book, r.h. gives a wonderful message to all the powerful women who have been hurt endlessly. He also states about his wife, what he wished he could have told her and to all the women who are in similar positions. Click on the button given below to download ePub She Just Wants to Forget eBook by r.h. Sin.
Whiskey Words & a Shovel I
by r.h. Sin
0 Pages · 2015 · Free · 76 Downloads · New!
“Whiskey Words & a Shovel I by r.h. Sin ” is a good book that you can read online or download to read it later. Before starting the reading or downloading, here is the summary of the book that you can read. You may also like A Shadow in the Ember by Jennifer L. Armentrout PDF Download Born in New Brunswick, NJ, and later moving to Florida, r.h. Sin comes from a place where a life of pain is the norm and destruction is a constant. Through an early love for reading and writing, r.h. Sin was able to pull away from some of the


