
Java Message Service
by David A Chappell, Mark Richards, Richard Monson-Haefel
330 Pages · 2015 · 3 MB · 22 Downloads · New!
The “Java Message Service: Creating Distributed Enterprise Applications Second Edition” does an incredible job of bringing together the technology of JMS without forgetting to reiterate the fundamentals of the Java language.  Mark Richards, Richard Monson-Haefel and David A Chappell are the authors of this book. If you wanted to start learning JMS from scratch and be able to run a small, but real-life application, then this is the book for you. Authors do a great job of explaining the Java Message Service theory. Then both types of messaging Point-to-Point and Publish-and-Subscribe are detailed. Later two chapters provide information on advanced topics like design and deployment issues. These include Performance, Scalability, and Reliability, Security. The book also explains Multicasting and Inter-System Messaging. The last chapter highlights Request/Reply Messaging Design and most importantly, and Messaging Design Anti-Patterns (DON’TS). In short, Java Message Service, Second Edition, will quickly teach you how to use the key technology that lies behind it.


