
Theater of Spies
by S. M. Stirling
464 Pages · 2015 · 3 MB · 15 Downloads · New!
The “Theater of Spies (A Novel of an Alternate World War)” consists of preparation for the climactic strike, which contains enough fast-moving action to please any spy-thriller fan. S. M. Stirling is the author of this book. This is the second book of an alternate historical Great War scientific espionage thriller series that maintains the high quality of the first. Luz O’Maley Aróstegui and her partner Ciara Whelan are American secret agents in late 1916 where American espionage is the only thing that the Allied powers currently have positively going for them, owing to events of the prior book. While recognizing that everyone has a right to be on their own side, Luz is a worldly product of the final batch of the Belle Époque and supporter of President (and honorary uncle) Theodore Roosevelt’s Progressive Republican administration in its nascent struggle against an all-but victorious Kaiserreich. Her lot is an exciting, dangerous life and a tour of a world in torment. At once empathetic, sympathetic and ruthless she is a fine addition to historical thriller canon. The fights are cinematic, the world-building is thorough, and the characters are humans worthy of notice. It’s a great feeling being in the hands of an alternate history master. In short, this series is a blast, even compared to Stirling’s excellent prior work. Well thought out, spiky world plus fast action adventure heroics.


