
Learning Elastic Stack 7.0
by Pranav Shukla, Sharath Kumar
474 Pages · 2015 · 19 MB · 46 Downloads · New!
The “Learning Elastic Stack 7.0: Distributed search, analytics, and visualization using Elasticsearch, Logstash, Beats, and Kibana, 2nd Edition” in an enlightening book that provides new features and update introduction of Elastic Stack 7.0. Pranav Shukla and Sharath Kumar are the authors of this book. Pranav Shukla is the founder and CEO of Valens DataLabs. He is a big data architect and software craftsman who uses JVM-based languages. Elastic Stack is a powerful combination of tools for techniques like analytics, logging, and visualization of data. Elastic Stack 7.0 comes with new features and capabilities that will enable you to find unique insights into analytics using these techniques. This book also helps you to understand how to set up the stack by installing tools and exploring their basic configurations. Learning Elastic Stack is for entry-level data professionals, like full-stack developers, software engineers who want to learn about Elastic stack and how the real-time processing and search engine works for business works. To sum it up, Learning Elastic Stack 7.0 is a must-read book for all the developers.


