
Chicago Food Crawls
by Soo Park
256 Pages · 2015 · 29 MB · 23 Downloads · New!
The “Chicago Food Crawls: Touring the Neighborhoods One Bite & Libation at a Time” is a great book for people who love Chicago Food.  Soo Park is the author of this book. Chicago Food Crawls is a super fun book. From the amazing photographs of the food to the brief history of restaurants, this is a must-read for food lovers. Soo Park has managed to include a wide range of culinary delights for all palates. Each tour is the complete recipe for a great night out, the perfect tourist day, a new way to experience your own city, or simply food porn and great stories to enjoy from home. Chicago is truly a melting pot of wonderful cultures and neighbourhoods that allow these cultures to flourish. Soo Park took her love of food and Chicago and translated it into a handy, useful, delicious guide that we can all utilize.


