
Ghost Wars
by Steve Coll
736 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 40 Downloads · New!
“Ghost Wars” If you want to understand the conflict in Afghanistan as well as can be explained, read this book. The most poignant aspect is that this book was written prior to 9/11. Steve Coll is the author of this comprehensive book. Brilliant book! Explains in great and unbiased detail how idealogues in the US government in the late seventies and during the Reagan years literally created the Islamist movement in Pakistan and Afganistan. They were so obsessed with undermining the Soviets, they never thought what they were creating in the process. Despite many of those involved doing everything to avoid Vietnam, they did exactly the same thing, underestimating the local “partners” who played both sides (US and Russia) and also misreading the true motivations on the local people. Essential reading for anyone how wants to understand the roots of ISIS and any other extremist organization.


