
Intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB
by Steven Kay
834 Pages · 2015 · 57 MB · 20 Downloads · New!
The” Intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB” occupies a unique place in the overcrowded market of textbooks on probability and random processes. Steven Kay is the author of this book. He is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Rhode Island and a leading expert in signal processing. He has received the Education Award “for outstanding contributions in education and in writing scholarly books and texts. His book “Intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB” is the best book ever on Probability. There are many books on probability theory, but this book is unique among all of them. Its uniqueness lays in its completeness of the theory and its workout examples. It is a graduate level book but even if you are an undergraduate and have a passion for math you can understand it given its clear explanations and examples. The author’s belief that only “hands-on” experience with the material can promote intuitive understanding, the approach is to motivate the need for theory using MATLAB examples, followed by theory and analysis, and finally descriptions of real-world examples to acquaint the reader with a wide variety of applications.


