
Web Dragons: Inside the Myths of Search Engine Technology PDF Free
by Ian H. Witten, Marco Gori Ph.D, Teresa Numerico
285 Pages · 2006 · 9.01 MB · 59 Downloads · New!
“Web Dragons: Inside the Myths of Search Engine Technology” is a comprehensive book written on search engines. It is a complete step-by-step guide with easy to understandable instructions about the search engines and SEO. Ian H. Witten, Marco Gori Ph.D and Teresa Numerico are the guys behind this book.  From basic level to advance Searching mechanism is explained in this book by these 3 guys. Perfect writing style, perfect research and attention to detail make this book very engaging for readers. Authors told that Search engines make it possible for us to find the stuff we need to know. Search engines (web dragons) are the portals through which we access society’s treasure trove of information. Many questions that came in newbie minds like “How do Web Dragons stack up against librarians, the gatekeepers over centuries past? What role will libraries play in a world whose information is ruled by the web? How is the web organized? Who controls its contents, and how do they do it? How do search engines work? How can Web visibility be exploited by those who want to sell us their wares? What’s coming tomorrow, and can we influence it?” are answered in details in this book by these 3 legends. You can also Download The Findability Formula by Heather F. Lutze PDF Free.


