
Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends
by William Guarnere, Edward Heffron, Robyn Post
320 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 46 Downloads · New!
The “Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends: Two WWII Paratroopers from the Original Band of Brothers Tell Their Story” is a popular book that describes a true story of two soldiers and friends. The authors of this Military Regiment History book are William Guarnere, Edward Heffron and Robyn Post. The authors describe two best friends and soldiers whose name is Wild Bill and Babe. Both of them were among the first paratroopers of the U.S. Army. Bill and Babe are the members of an elite unit. An elite unit is a brave unit and these members are used in the high-risk operation of the war. Both friends fought side by side in the 1944 war. In the war, Bill lost his right leg and sent to home but his friend Babe went on to liberate slave labor and arrests Hitler’s Eagle Shellhideaway. Their lives after the war and their personal accomplishments are an honor to their character. Their devotion to each other is a real picture of friendship and the definition of Brotherhood. All in all, Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends is a popular book that describes a true story of two soldiers and friends.


