
The Girls at 17 Swann Street
by Yara Zgheib
384 Pages · 2019 · 3 MB · 58 Downloads · New!
The Girls at 17 Swann Street is the redemption, literature, fiction and paranormal novel which describe the story of a young dancer who is the patient of depression. Yara Zgheib is the author of this remarkable novel. Anna Roux is the world-class dancer and she did a lot of hard work to reach into this level. She belongs to the middle-class family in Paris. The first time she saw her ideal personality dancing on the screen and from that day, she has made her mind to match her legacy. She became a professional dancer and then she met a handsome man. He is a famous TV actor who promised her to give a chance to her movie. More importantly, they both fall in love. Anna does not know that she is being used by her boyfriend in the name of love. She has done in each and everything for him and he takes all of the credit. All of a sudden, he left her without telling anything. She never imagines a life living without him. Within 6 months she becomes the victim of depression and gains 88 pounds on her weight. Her life is completely destroyed and now she is admitted as a patient in 17 Swann Street. There are two other women admitted already and Emma is one of them. Will they together manage to survive?
The Girls at 17 Swann Street PDF
by Yara Zgheib
384 Pages · 2019 · 4 MB · 73 Downloads · New!
The Girls at 17 Swann Street is the redemption, literature, fiction and paranormal novel which describe the story of a young dancer who is the patient of depression. Yara Zgheib is the author of this remarkable novel. Anna Roux is the world-class dancer and she did a lot of hard work to reach into this level. She belongs to the middle-class family in Paris. The first time she saw her ideal personality dancing on the screen and from that day, she has made her mind to match her legacy. She became a professional dancer and then she met a handsome man.


