
by Yasmine Mohammed
290 Pages · 2019 · 3  MB · 53 Downloads · New!
Unveiled is the Women in Islam, practice, Islamic Rituals and radical Islam book in which the author did a magnificent job by highlighting the misconceptions about Islam. Yasmine Mohammed is the author of this magnificent book. She born and raised in Canada in the Muslim family. While growing up Yasmine follows all the rituals of Islam that are meant to follow by Muslims. Everything was fine until the incident of 9/11 happens. After this incident, the whole world begins to relate Islam to terrorism. Islam is the religion of peace but fake propaganda is proving something else. The life of Muslims becomes worse with the passage of time and just in a few years, the whole world is relating terrorism to Muslims. The act of one person is linked with billions of people in the world. There are more than half of the countries of the world who are Muslims and no one is representing Islam. Muslims are busy in their own fights and they have no time to tell the people about the true teachings of Islam. The 9/11 attack is still a mystery and no one really knows its reality. Yasmine provides answers about radical Islam. What is Islam and what is a radical Islam? She answers some of the most disturbing questions about Islam.


