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Android Essentials

Android Essentials

by Chris Haseman
100 Pages · 2008 · 1.2 MB · 2,083 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Pro Android Media
by Shawn Van Every
320 Pages · 2010 · 6.6 MB · 2,876 Downloads · New!
Mobile devices have evolved to focus on rich media production and consumption. Developers of mobile applications are able to create applications that allow people to play, capture, and share media in a variety of new ways on mobile devices. The popularity of Android has soared in part because the platform offers developers a rich set of capabilities including access to media capturing and playback functions.
Professional Android 2 Application Development
by Reto Meier
576 Pages · 2010 · 18.1 MB · 1,829 Downloads · New!
Android is a powerful, flexible, open source platform for mobile devices and its popularity is growing at an unprecedented pace. This update to the bestselling first edition dives in to cover the exciting new features of the latest release of the Android mobile platform.
Pro Android Flash
by Dean Iverson
464 Pages · 2011 · 27.1 MB · 1,209 Downloads · New!
Did you know you can take your Flash skills beyond the browser, allowing you to make apps for Android, iOS and the BlackBerry Tablet OS? Build dynamic apps today starting with the easy-to-use Android smartphones and tablets. Then, take your app to other platforms without writing native code.
Pro Android Python with SL4A
by Paul Ferrill
296 Pages · 2011 · 6 MB · 3,110 Downloads · New!
Pro Android Python with SL4A is for programmers and hobbyists who want to write apps for Android devices without having to learn Java first. Paul Ferrill leads you from installing the Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A) to writing small scripts, to more complicated and interesting projects, and finally to uploading and packaging your programs to an Android device.
Pro Android Web Apps
by Damon Oehlman
392 Pages · 2011 · 17.7 MB · 2,982 Downloads · New!
Developing applications for Android and other mobile devices using web technologies is now well within reach. When the capabilities of HTML5 are combined with CSS3 and JavaScript, web application developers have an opportunity to develop compelling mobile applications using familiar tools. Not only is it possible to build mobile web apps that feel as good as native apps, but to also write an application once and have it run a variety of different devices.
Programming Android
by G. Blake Meike
502 Pages · 2011 · 9.4 MB · 4,957 Downloads · New!
What does it take to build well-engineered Android applications? Explore Android’s core building blocks and APIs in depth with this authoritative guide, and learn how to create compelling apps that work on a full range of Android devices. You’ll work with proven approaches to app design and implementation – including application frameworks that you can use as a starting point for your own projects.


