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Applied XML Programming for Microsoft .NET

Applied XML Programming for Microsoft .NET

by Dino Esposito
720 Pages · 2002 · 7.8 MB · 3,678 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Windows Communication Foundation 4 Step by Step
by John Sharp
736 Pages · 2010 · 10.2 MB · 4,923 Downloads · New!
Your hands-on, step-by-step guide to building connected, service-oriented applications.
Beginning WF
by Mark Collins
500 Pages · 2009 · 5.2 MB · 1,503 Downloads · New!
Windows Workflow Foundation is a ground-breaking addition to the core of the .NET Framework that allows you to orchestrate human and system interactions as a series of workflows that can be easily mapped, analyzed, adjusted, and implemented.
by Dennis Hayes
744 Pages · 2009 · 3.9 MB · 3,192 Downloads · New!
LINQ is the project name for a set of extensions to the .NET Framework that provide a generic approach to querying data from different data sources. LINQ made its debut in Visual Studio 2008, and became a must–have skill for .NET developers.
Programming F#
by Chris Smith
410 Pages · 2009 · 2.6 MB · 2,434 Downloads · New!
Why learn F#? This multi-paradigm language not only offers you an enormous productivity boost through functional programming, it also lets you develop applications using your existing object-oriented and imperative programming skills. With Programming F#, you’ll quickly discover the many advantages of Microsoft’s new language, which includes access to all the great tools and libraries of the .NET platform.
Expert .NET Micro Framework
by Jens Kuhner
448 Pages · 2008 · 8 MB · 2,928 Downloads · New!
The Microsoft .NET Micro Framework is a small and efficient .NET runtime environment used to run managed code on devices that are too small and resource constrained for Windows CE and the Compact Framework.
LINQ in Action
by Fabrice Marguerie
576 Pages · 2008 · 6.8 MB · 2,621 Downloads · New!
LINQ, Language INtegrated Query, is a new extension to the Visual Basic and C# programming languages designed to simplify data queries and database interaction. It addreses O/R mapping issues by making query operations like SQL statements part of the programming language. Adding to its power, LINQ is extensible and can be used to query various data sources. It offers built-in support for querying in-memory collections like arrays or lists, XML, DataSets, and relational databases.


