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by Jennette Fulda
247 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 40 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Not a Diet Book
by James Smith
320 Pages · 2020 · 3 MB · 4,583 Downloads · New!
The “Not a Diet Book: Lose Fat. Gain Confidence. Transform Your Life” is an informative book about life-changing. James Smith is the author of this book. James Smith is the world’s fastest-growing online personal trainer. Honest, authentic and endlessly passionate about exposing the toxic myths within diet culture, and committed to helping people to reach their goals and make a positive change for good. James is armed with all tools that you will ever need to achieve incredible results from dieting, training and staying in shape.
The Obesity Code
by Jason Fung, Timothy Noakes
296 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 63 Downloads · New!
“The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss,” tells about how to lose overweight. Dr. Jason Fung and Timothy Noakes are the authors of this informative book. Jason completed his medical school at the University of Toronto and a fellowship in nephrology at the University of California. He provides a unique treatment focus on type 2 obesity and diabetes. Timothy Noakes is a professor of exercise and Sport Science at the University of Cape Town. He started the Noakes Foundation in 2012 and has dedicated his life to opening people eyes to the myth of low-fat eating. Nowadays fat is very common because no one takes exercise. Most Children play the game on the computer, laptop. Or waste time at home. Clubs are free, so most people suffer from obesity. Authors explain five basic steps like a set of lifelong habits that will improve your health and also control your insulin levels. This book is not only full of insights but also surprisingly funny. Read it to understand why the world became fat, and how to stay thin yourself. All in all, The Obesity Code explain the best techniques on how to control your insulin level.
Dressing on the Side
by Jaclyn London
320 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 37 Downloads · New!
The “Dressing on the Side (and Other Diet Myths Debunked): 11 Science-Based Ways to Eat More, Stress Less, and Feel Great About Your Body (2019)” helps everyone to lose weight for good looking. Jaclyn London is the author of this book. Jaclyn is responsible for the creation, execution, and oversight of all of the magazine’s nutrition-related contents across media platforms with diet and meal planning content. She received her Bachelor’s degree in European history and Dance from Northwestern University, her master degree in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics from New York University. “Dressing on the Side” for those of us who bounced around from fad diet to health craze to cleanse failure and are looking for something real in the world. Jaclyn book filled with accessible information, simple strategies and practical application of scientific research, shortcuts, and solutions that work within any scenario like identify are the fake nutrition news, what you eat and feel satisfied and further using your schedule to inform your food choice. In short, Dressing on the Side is an anti-diet book that will completely transform the way of think, speak about food and health.
Belly Fat Effect
by Mike Mutzel
372 Pages · 2015 · 3.3 MB · 36 Downloads · New!
The “Belly Fat Effect: The Real Secret About How Your Diet, Intestinal Health, and Gut Bacteria Help You Burn Fat” is a diet nutrition book that helps to reduce the weight-loss resistance. Mike Mutzel is the author of this diet best-selling book. Mike Mutzel holds a B.S. in biology from Western University M.S. in Clinical Nutrition from Bridgeport University. He continually works with healthcare professionals as a functional medicine consultant. This book has an incredible amount of information, how to reduce our fats and live healthily. In Belly Fat Effect, Mike shares a good nutrition and high-intensity exercises that make your body athletic and lean. Mike also shares some practical advice on patterns of eating, sleep, diet planning and exercise. Furthermore, Belly Fat Effects tells about additional ingredients, intestinal bacteria, inflammation, biological rhythms and fat cell health that are necessary to fine-tuning your metabolism and reducing weight-loss resistance.
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
by Amanda Tress
217 Pages · 2015 · 1.7 MB · 40 Downloads · New!
The “FASTer Way to Fat Loss” is a wonderful book which describes different new techniques on how to lose our weight. Amanda Tress is the author of this successful book. Amanda Tress is a digital marketing consultant and personal trainer. Her purpose in life is to help female entrepreneurs. In FASTer Way to Fat Loss, Amanda Tress talks about many peoples who have tried to fad diet on the market but still can’t achieve your goals. Some people spending more hours daily in a gym and killing yourself, but they also can’t meet your goals. Amanda Tress explains in “FASTer Way to Fat Loss” how to lose your weight. So, those people who are worried about your fat, they don’t worry now, because, with the help of this successful book, you know different techniques about losing your fat.FASTer Way to Fat Loss has helped tens of thousands of peoples to lose weight and regain confidence.
Sweet Poison
by David Gillespie
208 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 36 Downloads · New!
The “Sweet Poison” is a self-help book that helps to organize our sugar-free life. David Gillespie is a recovering corporate lawyer, co-founder of a popular software company and consultant to the IT industry. He deciphered the latest medical findings on diet and weight gain and what he found was chilling. In this book, David examines medical research into what refined sugar has done to a majority of people in the US and how it affected. He reveals 11 reasons why eating too much sugar is bad for your health. Like eating sugar can cause weight gain, it may increase your risk of heart disease, it may increase your risk of cancer, risk of depression and may accelerate the skin Aging process. In addition, Sweet Poison presents one of the most accessible strategies for losing weight and avoiding some of the most dangerous diseases. Furthermore, David tellsincreasing amount of sugar in our food is leading to an epidemic in metabolic syndrome diseases. Sweet Poisonalso reveals some techniques how we can easily tackle with sweet disease and live a happy and healthier life. This book is well written and engages all the reader from start to end of the page. To sum it up, Sweet Poison is helpful and easy to access all people when needed.


