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by John C. Maxwell
288 Pages · 2015 · 4 MB · 40 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Hard Goals
by Mark Murphy
192 Pages · 2010 · 1 MB · 3,892 Downloads · New!
Hard Goals is the decision making, leadership training and management science book which shares the proven techniques and tips to conquer your goals. Mark Murphy is the author of this magnificent book. Do you wanted to increase the sales of your product, wanted to get promoted or wanted to change the world? What makes Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs different, and how they able to achieve such big milestones in their life. Are they more motivated and disciplined for you or they are just luckier people? The answer is that they were both motivated and disciplined then you guys.
My Philosophy for Successful Living
by Jim Rohn
64 Pages · 2012 · 1 MB · 3,425 Downloads · New!
My Philosophy for Successful Living is the productivity, business planning, self-help and success guide that shares the tips and tricks in personal and professional life. Jim Rohn is the author of this fascinating book. He is the motivational speaker, author and he helped thousands of individual to take charge of their life. Jim died in December 2009 but he influenced five million people to take initiatives for a better life. All humans deserve to live a happier and successful life. Jim tells exactly what people needed to live an ideal life. He is the best mentor when it comes to guiding people towards their destiny.
Having It All
by John Assaraf
217 Pages · 2007 · 1 MB · 4,731 Downloads · New!
Having It All is the success, personal growth, personal transformation, self-help, and success guide that shares the proven techniques and methods that will assist the reader to live their dream life. John Assaraf is the author of this fascinating book. He is a public speaker, motivational speaker, business consultant, and more importantly, John is a fabulous author. John helped thousands of people to achieve their goals and this is an ultimate guide for the people. This guide brings an opportunity for everyone to live the life of their dreams without putting any extra effort. Just follow the tips and techniques that are mentioned in the book to live an optimal life.
Finding Your True North PDF
by Bill George, Andrew McLean, Nick Craig
240 Pages · 2008 · 1.16 MB · 45 Downloads · New!
“Finding Your True North: A Personal Guide” offers methods for personal reflection and leadership qualities. Bill George, Andrew McLean, and Nick Craig are the guys behind this book. The book offers leaders a comprehensive approach for identifying their unique “True North”. It describes methods for personal reflection and includes targeted exercises that help leaders hone in on the purpose of their leadership and in developing their authentic leadership skills. It really brings to light the difference between leading and managing. The material is a must have for anyone wanting to improve their leadership skills. Being authentic is tough work and this gives you the guidelines how to communicate effectively from your crucible story with staff and family. Having a support network in place is crucial and he shows you the way.
Leading Change
by John P. Kotter
208 Pages · 2018 · 1 MB · 38 Downloads · New!
Leading Change is the remarkable business book which explains the eight-step process to bring the change to your success. John P. Kotter is the author of this amazing book. The author is the world foremost expert on the leadership of business in the history. It takes twenty-five years of experience to write the masterpiece. Modern business is changing day by day and you need to transform your methods of doing business as well. The managers of different companies should also have the space to change their methods for better results. Yet, they are trying everything to strengthen their company through a restructuring, rightsizing, quality management, turnaround routinely and culture change fall short. Kotter defines the eight-step process which is enough to achieve the goals for the companies. These steps will make sure the things are going great or bad from your side. There are successful managers throughout their career but they fear to bring the changes and this thing affect the growth of their company. Just focus on the one main point, is to bring the change before it comes from the outer side. It is the practical and visionary guide to tell, how to approach the business which changes your life. This guide is wonderful for the business people out there in the market and a perfect guide for the newbies to learn the business tactics.
Barbarians at the Gate
by Bryan Burrough, John Helyer, John Helyar
592 Pages · 2008 · 3 MB · 44 Downloads · New!
Barbarians at the Gate is the history, memoir and biography book in which author shares the hidden secrets which turn the RJR Nabisco into relic organization. Bryan Burrough and John Helyar are the guys behind this superb book. He is the journalist who was actually writing columns on the RJR Nabisco and after knowing a lot he finally decided to write a book. The company formed in 1985 with the combination of Nabisco Brands. It became the most expensive company and consider as the 19th largest industrial concern after three years. There is no other company who got expand like RJR and there are various challenges which they overcome to get the success. The organization is dealing with the $ billions and investors are knocking at the door to buy its shares. There are different competitors in the market but they did not resist and affect the performance of this great company. When everything was doing great for the RJR Nabisco then what happened which totally change the atmosphere? Why the shares of $ billions disappear over a few weeks? What is the reason behind Saloman Brothers as they join as the backer in management? What is the reason behind the offer of $ 90 and the financial statement which are included? Why Mr Johnson’s from surface level to $21 billion? The book contains all the answers behind the fall of RJR Nabisco. Bryan Burrough writes the different articles and papers behind this organization as the journalist and he gives them a shape through the book.


