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Mummy’s Boy

Mummy’s Boy

by JA Andrews
0 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 18 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Her Sister’s Shoes
by Ashley Farley
340 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 40 Downloads · New!
Her Sister’s Shoes is the women literature, domestic fiction, redemption, thriller and fiction novel which plot the story of three sisters. Ashley Farley is the author of this fantastic novel. This book is all about three sisters who have memorable characters. Samantha, Jackie, and Faith are grown up together by their mother Lovie. Their mother struggles a lot for their successful future. Now, these sisters prove their names in the industry and they are handling the different tasks in the TV Industry. They all were living a balanced life with their husbands. These sisters are true to each other and they always support each other to rock in the world. Samantha is the one who arranges the family events and she is there whenever anyone needs support. A tragic event happens which changed the life of Samantha. Her teenage son lost his legs in the ATV accident. She lost her self-control and there is no way where she can heal her loss. Jackie loves her husband entire life but then her husband cheating on her after twenty-years of their relation. She cannot believe this and Jackie realizes she has to reconnect with herself and find happiness. Faith is the victim of her own husband who abuses her physically. She did not care for anyone except her real family. The mother of these sisters is suffering from Alzheimer’s and Lovie is not ready to give on her rusty key. How Samantha will manage to unite the family when everyone has the problems?
Making Motherhood Work
by Caitlyn Collins
360 Pages · 2019 · 2 MB · 33 Downloads · New!
Making Motherhood Work is the social policy, cultural policy and motherhood book which shares the different strategies for women to create balance in their life. Caitlyn Collins is the author of this fantastic book. The national crises of today’s mother are to avoid the work-family conflict which is growing day by day. Stress is constant in their lives and they also struggle to balance breadwinning. There is not a single social policy for mothers who work in the offices. They don’t have any vacation standard for these women even when they are sick. The women are badly struggling in optimizing their life in both corners. Caitlyn Collins shares few techniques to women which helps them to become a better mother in home and colleague in the office. There is no need to compare yourself to the other mothers and always do what matters most for the future of your kids. Ask different questions openly to your kids, how they are feeling and what change they thinking to have? Always supports your kids to make their own decision and give them confidence. Set your priorities according to things which matter most and make “NO” your best enemy. Find some free time for your family weekly and have a vital trip. This is an amazing book for the mothers to create balance in their work-life.
A Is for Advice
by Ilana Stanger-Ross
144 Pages · 2015 · 7 MB · 32 Downloads · New!
The “A Is for Advice (The Reassuring Kind): Wisdom for Pregnancy” is a good book that provides a brief and compelling reflection on pregnancy. Ilana Stanger-Ross is the author of this informative book. Ilana has done BA from Barnard College and MA in Fiction at Temple University. A is for Advice provides a complete and compelling reflection on pregnancy and the early postpartum period for expectant mothers of all kinds. A Is for Advice book explains all the critical condition who faced every mother at pregnancy time. It also provides realistic and soothing advice at a time when the majority of women dangerously seek out information. This book offers practical and emotional insights into the great transition to motherhood. A Is for Advice art is beautiful, the design of this book is gorgeous from front to back and the content is also perfect. It is perfectly balanced, loving, honest guidance and information for pregnant women. It is exactly what I would hope to convey a message to a pregnant loved one. This book offers a compelling call for well-informed and forgiving birthing and mothering. All in all, “A Is for Advice” is the best guide book for all pregnant lady.
Hope Unfolding
by Becky Thompson
224 Pages · 2016 · 1 MB · 34 Downloads · New!
Hope Unfolding is the relationship, parenting and motherhood book which elaborates the struggles of women in different phases of their life. Becky Thompson is the author of this fantastic book. The woman is the most beautiful creature in the universe created by God. There are different roles of a woman in her life. She is born as a daughter where she gets a lot of respect and love from her parents. She spends her childhood and grows with brothers. While growing with brothers sometimes she needs preference on her brother and sometimes not. There is a number of things which she sacrifices for the love of her brother. They did not describe their love openly but through their actions. When they enter into adulthood, she married some guy and become a wife. The most crucial and happier stage in her life comes when she became a mother. Now they have a number of responsibilities to fulfilled at the same time. She is a daughter, sister, wife, and mother. She tries every day her best to make a balance in her life. A mother is always ready to sacrifice anything for the safety and the better future of her kids. These kids work as a fuel for a mother who follows the same routines daily just for her kids. Becky Thompson states that God is always watching the struggle of mothers while raising their kids and he has a reward for them.
Strong As a Mother
by Kate Rope
400 Pages · 2018 · 4 MB · 44 Downloads · New!
Strong As a Mother is the motherhood and women health book which shares the different tips for women to stay happy and healthy during different motherhood phases. Kate Rope is the author of this incredible book. She is the award-winning Freelance journalist whose work appears in the New York Times. If a mother is ignoring her personal needs then soon she will feel worn out, unhealthy and stressed. When a mother takes care of herself and her needs then she will have enough energy to become happy, healthier and have good interaction with the kids. Staying healthy is the best give a mother can give to her children. The author shares a few tips to stay healthy and emotionally stable while growing the kids. Don’t ever dare to skip your breakfast and make sure your kids are also making the habit of breakfast. It set the whole tone of your day which you are going to spend. Do not eat fast and highly processed foods. Focus on a healthy diet and avoid excess sugar. Increase the number of fruits, vegetables and eat organic food as possible. Kate Rope also shares tips to stay emotionally healthy and strong. Learn how to build a strong relationship with your kids and partner? How to have quality sleep and also learn to trust your instincts.
Finding Magic in the Mess
by Steven Fonso
208 Pages · 2019 · 2.1 · 36 Downloads · New!
Finding Magic in the Mess is the meditation, self-help and parenting guide for the parents to cope with their kids. Steven Fonso is the author of this impressive book. Parenting is never been an easy job especially when it comes to looking after the infant and young kids. They are though to control in the young age and usually parents loss their control. Parents never wish to beat their kids but sometimes they are forced to take tough decisions. Steven helps thousands of families to reconnect and make their lives heavens. Children are not intelligent enough to understand the epic situations or they behave according to your moods and you to have to live with this truth. Kids adopt the gestures and habits of their parents just by seeing them. Don’t be so strict with your kids that even forget how to smile.


