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Now, Then, and Everywhen

Now, Then, and Everywhen

by Rysa Walker
528 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 17 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Ready Player Two
by Ernest Cline
0 Pages · 2015 · 1MB · 51 Downloads · New!
“Ready Player Two: A Novel” is an excellent description of the quest of a man and especially quest about things that he has not seen and observed before, Author states that man is a social animal and he is so much impatient that he can kill whole humanity to discover only one truth. This fabulous book is written by Ernest Cline. He is the bestselling New York Times author and had written many books of great fame including Ready Play Two. In this book, the author says that man is so cruel and impatient that after winning one war he is in the quest of another one, and in this way, a series of quests go on until the life of man ends to death. The book makes us realize this by giving the example of OASIS founder James Holliday’s Contest who discovered such an amazing fact that brought a great revolution. The author describes the inhuman nature of humans by giving examples from history. Book says that every time when OASIS is at stake then the main danger is to humanity and it is harmed the most from it which is heart-wrenching. Summarizing, the book is a realistic, amazing, and wonderful description of human nature and the internal quest that always exists in us. You may also like to download Tiamat’s Wrath by James S. A. Corey and Jefferson Mays
by Hugh Howey
528 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 68 Downloads · New!
The “Wool” is a new standard classic science fiction novel. The author of this fiction novel is Hugh Howey. Hugh is the author of the award-winning Molly Fyde saga and the New York Times, USA Today best-selling WOOL series. He also won Kindle Book Review’s 2012 India Book of the Year Award. This best-selling fiction novel engages all the reader from start to end of the page. Hugh Howey has written numerous fiction and non-fiction novel including, Shift, Beacon, and Half Way Home. In this novel, the author reveals the earth’s air has become toxic and the last survivors are forced to live underground in an immense silo with over 130 levels. No one knows about that in history, how the world came to ruin. Some people know that talking about going abroad is punished by being forced to go outside. The author Howey builds his world piece by piece in an investigative format that takes the reader beside on a hunt for the truth. Why do people convict to die still fulfill the ceremonial of cleaning the cameras? What caused the dimly remembered uprisings in the silo? Who’s keeping all these secrets? Are they right to do so? To know about all these answers, then read this best-selling suspense novel.
Her Silhouette, Drawn in Water
by Vylar Kaftan
110 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 46 Downloads · New!
“Her Silhouette, Drawn in Water” is a forever green novel that entreating the readers from beginning to end with an impressive and heart-melting story. Vylar Kaftan  is the author of this fabulous novel. The author has a great name is fiction and classy novel writing. His excellent writing skills and way of storytelling always keep the reader on the edge of seat. This novel has great characters with fantastic bonding.
Here and Now and Then
by Mike Chen
336 Pages · 2015 · 1.6 MB · 60 Downloads · New!
“Here and Now and Then: A Novel” is a forever green novel that entreating the readers from beginning to end with an impressive and heart-melting story. Mike Chen is the author of this fabulous novel. The author has a great name is fiction and classy novel writing. His excellent writing skills and way of storytelling always keep the reader on the edge of the seat. This novel has great characters with fantastic bonding. It is well written with well-developed characters and a story that just went on and on weaving in more and more background facts about the characters and their family. It came to a satisfactory and somewhat surprising end, with mini conclusions along the way. It is really good book engages you and keeps you flipping pages when you really need to get other things done. The characters and plot are rich and varied. To cut the story short, it is one of the best and heart-melting novels that have a new story on every page.
Stealing Worlds
by Karl Schroeder
320 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 48 Downloads · New!
“Stealing Worlds” is a wonderful novel with very engaging and beautiful story. Karl Schroeder is the author of this novel. The author has a great name in the list of great novelists. The author knows very well how to start a story, how to create characters, how to circulate the characters in the story, how to create suspense, thrill and drama in the story.
A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor
by Hank Green
352 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 52 Downloads · New!
“A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor: A Novel” is both a heartbreaking and beautiful little story of love & loss, strength & finding your way. Hank Green is the author of this novel. This author is a master in bringing all of the stories together and throwing in a surprise ending. The author’s style is charismatic and entertaining, even if a bit self-indulgent. The novel masterfully builds the tension until it reaches a fever pitch as the author finally begins putting the various pieces of the puzzle into place. There are plenty of unexpected twists and turns in store for the foursome as the truth about the events preceding. It is an enjoyable read with constant developments between the past and the present. There are several sub-themes woven into the primary setting of the novel. It is a great story with an imaginative plot, believable characters and most of all heart and wisdom. It is truly a gem of a book. It shows that love is timeless. It will make your heart want to explode. This story is beautiful, magical and it’s a wonderful experience. In short, it is one of the best novels of all time that touch the soul of readers with powerful words.


