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Project Animal Farm

Project Animal Farm

by Sonia Faruqi
336 Pages · 2016 · 1 MB · 35 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Animal Factory
by David Kirby
512 Pages · 2011 · 1 MB · 28 Downloads · New!
“Animal Factory” is an extraordinary and unexpected journalism, we have the most relevant, applicable indisputable, and remarkable testimony yet to the dangers of industrial animal farming. This book has been authored by David Kirby, who is the bestselling author of the New York Times on her novels Evidence of Harm. He is also the winner of Helen Bernstein Award for Excellency. The author, in this novel, basically follows three families and their communities i.e. Washington state, Illinois and North Carolina whose living standard is dramatically changed at a large scale, neighbouring animal farms that detain thousands of dairy cattle, pigs and poultry into small spaces. This produces massive volumes of waste. 2% of U.S. livestock facilities raise 40% of the entire animals. Each year the U.S. generates over a ton of ‘dry matter’ (water removed) animal waste for every occupant. Animal feeding operations produce 100% more than the waste treated in human sewage treatment plants. It is pertinent to mention that Human sewage is treated to kill pathogens, animal waste is not. Hog manure has 10 to 100% more pathogens than human waste. As compared to 1996, today in the U.S. people are more spending on animal pathogens. However, this doesn’t cover the price of externalities. ‘Non-factory’ foods cost 70% more, per a limited assessment conducted by the author in a New York City market. Overalls, this tale is very informative and interesting novel on the agricultural and pathogenic benefits of animal waste.


