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The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee

The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee

by James Freeman, Caitlin Freeman, Tara Duggan
240 Pages · 2012 · 20  MB · 57 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Half Baked Harvest Super Simple
by Tieghan Gerard
288 Pages · 2019 · 144 MB · 2,875 Downloads · New!
Half Baked Harvest Super Simple is the slow cooking, natural food and party cooking book which tells the secrets to make healthy recipes in a few minutes. Tieghan Gerard is the author of this imposing book. She is a popular recipe developer, stylist, food photographer, and author of a cookbook. Tieghan started her career a few years ago as a blogger where she posts her easy to make recipes. She got a massive response from the audience and they help her to build a community. We all wanted to eat healthy, great and tasty food. The biggest dream of a woman is to deliver the best food to the guests.
by Candice Brown
256 Pages · 2018 · 79 MB · 46 Downloads · New!
Comfort is the cooking, party cooking and cake baking book that contains the hundreds of recipes to cook at home. Candice Brown is the author of this fascinating book. Brown is the pub landlord’s daughter and the high school teacher. She is obsessed with cooking and especially when it comes to bakes. This is the first cookbook from the author that takes the reader step by step through every process. It makes sure the comfort of the cooks who try it at home. Brown learn these recipes from her grandmother that is both tasty and healthy to eat. There is no rocket science required to learn these recipes just one practice is enough to master. Brown explains each and everything in detail that is easy to adopt for everyone. There are recipes for kids, parties, after tea, weekend bakes, Christmas and birthday parties. This guide contains delicious recipes of all ages. There are illustrations with proper guides so the newbies can’t find it difficult to master the bake recipes. All those recipes that are mentioned in the book are delightful so don’t forget the chance to present these recipes for your family and family. A remarkable cooking book for all the food lovers.
Good Clean Beauty
by Caroline Bercaw & Isabel Bercaw
144 Pages · 2020 · 10 MB · 40 Downloads · New!
Good Clean Beauty is the greenhouse cleaning, party cooking, organic cooking, and beauty recipes guide that shares hundreds of natural recipes. Caroline Bercaw & Isabel Bercaw are the author of this outstanding book. This guide contains over 100 super simple skincare and beauty recipes made from common ingredients that we all have in our kitchens. If you are fed up in expanding a lot of money on your makeup line then this guide is surely for you. This book contains recipes that are not only healthy but also make you look beautiful. It uses natural ingredients like oats, cocoa butter, essential oils an almond oil. You will aware of everything ingredient that you are putting on putting on your skin. There is no need to worry if you have allergic skin as this tool is capable to handle it. This book is divided into five parts such as eye shadows, skincare, makeup, hair, and body. It covers the special care of all the body parts that keep you good looking from all perspectives. This is the time that you have shiny lip glosses, bright eye shadows, and long-lasting foundation.
Kombucha Revolution
by Stephen Lee, Ken Koopman
160 Pages · 2014 · 3  MB · 34 Downloads · New!
Kombucha Revolution is the whole food diet, health, coffee and tea guide which tells people what else they can drink to get relaxed and calm except tea or coffee. Stephen Lee and Ken Koopman is the author of this fascinating book. Stephen is the co-founder of the country’s most popular tea brands. Today humans need the boost of extra energy every three hours of work. The majority of the tea and coffee shops have only these two drinks to serve and yet they are elegant. Sometimes we need to try something new that may fresh our mood and ability to work. The philosophy behind this book is to try the maximum drinks which are even better than traditional drinks like tea and coffee. Stephen has forty years of experience in making drinks and he knows exactly what men and women want in different circumstances. All the drinks that are mentioned in the book are genuine, natural and healthy for the people. He inspired millions of people through his two remarkable tea brands Stash Tea and Tazo Tea. The people make an arrangement for this tea and call their friends or family member to join them. So, this is the time to get rid of fermented and fizzy tea-based beverages and enjoy the real drink with snacks, sweets, cocktails, and juice.
The Big Book of Kombucha
by Hannah Crum, Alex LaGory
400 Pages · 2015 · 37 MB · 70 Downloads · New!
“The Big Book of Kombucha: Brewing, Flavoring, and Enjoying the Health Benefits of Fermented Tea” is a wonderful book which reveals how to brew your own Kombucha at home. The authors of this best-selling book are Hannah Crum and Alex LaGory. Hannah Crum is the founder of Kombucha Kamp. It is the most visited website in the world for Kombucha information, advice and recipes. Hannah is also an industry journalist and Master Brewer. The Big Book of Kombucha tells about the Kombucha, how to brew your own Kombucha at home. Hannah Crum reveals more than 400 recipes and 268 unique flavor combinations, with the help of these recipes and unique flavor, you can get exactly the same taste as you want. Kombucha is another popular tea, known from many proven health benefits. The benefits of Kombucha is that it contains antioxidants which can kill harmful bacteria and may help fight several diseases. Furthermore, The Big Book of Kombucha shows you how to do it from start to end, with illustrated step-by-step instructions and tips. To sum it up, The Big Book of Kombucha tells recipes of Kombucha.
How to Make Coffee
by Lani Kingston
160 Pages · 2015 · 6 MB · 43 Downloads · New!
The “How to Make Coffee: The Science Behind the Bean” is a helpful book that tells step-by-step how to make coffee. The author of this coffee book is Lani Kingston. Lani Kingston obtained a master’s degree in food studies and food writing from the University of Adelaide. She holds a master’s in education from Deakin University. How to Make Coffee is her first book.This book is very informative and perfect for anyone looking for a more in-depth & technical explanation of coffee and the brewing process. The author describes in an easy way how to make a fantastic coffee.Additionally, Lani Kingston explains some benefits like coffee increase your fiber intake and protection against cirrhosis of the liver.Coffee reduces suicide risk and depression, Coffee drinkers have less risk of heart disease, and many more some advantages are there. Lani says this book is for all people who do not want to settle for anything less than the perfect cup. To sum it up, how to Make Coffee is the best book that introduces the science and method behind making coffee.


