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The In-Betweens

The In-Betweens

by Mira Ptacin
288 Pages · 2019 · 1 MB · 78 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Good Mourning
by Theresa Caputo
224 Pages · 2015 · 2 MB · 23 Downloads · New!
“Good Mourning: Moving Through Everyday Losses with Wisdom from the Other Side” is a fact-filled and motivating book in which the author says that life is full of losses and gains and you just have to focus on gains and cover up the losses. The book makes us understand that no one can succeed if he or she will waste his or her time and energy on things that are finished and no one can be successful with this attitude in life. This formidable book is written by Theresa Caputo. She is the bestselling New York times author had given us long-lasting lessons for life. In this book, the author helps us to understand that life is full of rising and fall and you just have to summon up the courage and confidence to rise up after every fall, and then you will be able to face the real challenges of life. Here author states that don’t waste your time on the things you have lost rather find out the ways by which you can recover that loss and make something better than you have had already. In a conclusion, the book is full of inspiration, hope, optimism, and lessons for the readers.
Journey of Souls
by Michael Newton
278 Pages · 2015 · 1 MB · 36 Downloads · New!
“Journey Of Souls: Case  Studies of Life Between Lives, Fifth Revised Edition” is an important medical-based history book in which the author tells us what do we feel at the time of death and few moments after death. The book uses the phenomenon of Hypnosis to determine the hidden mental condition of a person near death. This fantastic book is written by Michael Newton. He is a specialized Hypnotherapist and has done a Ph.D. in Psychology and served as a counselor for many years. In this book, he uses some special techniques of Hypnosis which are unknown to us to see what does a dying man thinks about and what is his or her mental condition at the time of physical death. The book enlightens one more important thing that when you are dead your mind is still alive and dies a few hours after physical death. This book tells us the true meanings of spiritual guides. The book is simply about various mental conditions that are relaxed or stressed and it tells us what the Hypnosis actually is and how it tells you about hidden facts. Concluding, this book is highly informative, knowledgeable, and interesting for the readers of every age.


