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The Self Care Prescription

The Self Care Prescription

by Robyn Gobin
154 Pages · 2019 · 2  MB · 4,851 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
by Hector Garcia, Hector Garcia Puigcerver, Francesc Miralles
208 Pages · 2017 · 14  MB · 2,322 Downloads · New!
Ikigai is the philosophy, longevity, happiness and self-help book that shares the proven techniques and methods to improve our life. Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles are the authors of this tremendous book. Hector is a software engineer who born and lives in Japan. He did a lot of research to write this master piece for the people to change their life. Francesc is the bestselling author in the New York Times who also won multiple awards on his writing. He is known for his self-help books and also works as an editor, ghostwriter, and story writer. Ikigia has a specific meaning in Japanese which means that a reason to live.
64 Lessons for a Life Without Limits
by T.D. Jakes
256 Pages · 2011 · 1 MB · 4,954 Downloads · New!
64 Lessons for a Life Without Limits is the happiness, self-help, spiritual and Christians book that shares the multiple techniques to live a dream life. T.D. Jakes is the author of this magnificent book. He is the most influencer speaker and the founder of a national television program. T.D. Jakes is the bestselling author in the New York Times. Everyone one of us has dreams and goals to achieve. Some of us able to achieve their goals and the majority of us don’t. What is the real difference between those who achieve their goals and those who did not? Why fear and lack of self-confidence are the threat to our future?
Tiny Habits
by B.J. Fogg, Bj Fogg Ph.D
320 Pages · 2019 · 13 MB · 1,294 Downloads · New!
Tiny Habits is the success, happiness, personal transformation, self-help and time management book which teaches people how the small changes in our life generate gigantic results in our life. BJ Fogg is the author of this wonderful book. He is the world-famous expert who tells people how to transform bad habits into good habits. This guide will show you how to live a healthier, successful and happier life just by starting small. While growing up, we are trap into different myths like change is hard but the reality is different. Behaviour design theory proves that change is simple just if we follow the simple steps
What Makes a Marriage Last
by Marlo Thomas, Phil Donahue
640 Pages · 2020 · 45 MB · 4,629 Downloads · New!
What Makes a Marriage Last is the relationship, psychology, self-help, and marriage guide that teaches people how to stay happy and fulfilled in relation. Marlo Thomas is the author of this outstanding book. He helped thousands of couples to resolve their conflicts and live happily. Every couple of each other but if you do not know how to survive in difficult times then it would be difficult for both of them to survive in a beautiful relation. This book follows tips and techniques that are necessary for the partners to stay happy in their relations.
Think Like a Monk
by Jay Shetty
350 Pages · 2015 · 9 MB · 243 Downloads · New!
“Think Like a Monk” is an impressive and lesson giving book in which author tells us how one can be best companion and lover. The book guides us about the changes which are required to be loved and to love others. This fantastic book is written by Jay Shetty. In this book one can see the way and sequential steps to be a best friend and companion. This book is perfect guideline on the walk of life especially for those who consider the life a great blessing of God and have the thinking that we can live life in best possible way. Few things are highly inspiring like don’t hurt if people don’t want to act upon your sincere advice and leave them doing wrong. Don’t be so much egoistic and behave to others in exactly the same way as you want to be treated and respected. This book tells us that give respect to everyone but never compromise if someone is trying to degrade you. Be friendly to others unless and until you have any grudge to him and don’t backbite although someone has done wrong with you. In conclusion, the book is highly informative, guiding and full of interest for the readers who want to take advantage of it.
The Happiness Project
by Gretchen Rubin
368 Pages · 2015 · 3 MB · 75 Downloads · New!
The Happiness Project is the dieting, fitness and health book which provide the energetic content to the reader to achieve happiness in their life. Gretchen Rubin is the author of this impressive book. She is living an average life with her husband and two kids. Gretchen has a job of writing in New York City and she is living a comfortable life there. She decided to achieve happiness in every role of her life such as parenting, marriage, work, and self-fulfillment. Gretchen divided his whole year to achieve different things which started from the month of January. She set the different goals to achieve in this month such as to act more energetic, getting organized, exercising better and go to bed earlier. Gretchen Rubin breaks the whole year into months and set the different goals to achieve in every month. The one most important things she discusses that do not obsessed with perfection and finds the happiness in good work. If you pursue yourself towards the perfection then it is difficult for you to become happy. She tells another key to find happiness is do not relay on others and nothing expect from them. Create the balance in your life and this is the ultimate key to success in life. It includes different researches and happiness techniques to make you successful in your life. Do not go for long projects and hide your success in them always do the little actions to become happy.


