Best Hacking Documentaries That You Should Watch Right Now

Best Hacking Documentaries That You Should Watch Right Now

In order to become an ethical hacker in the 21st century, you should know some coding laterally with good inspiration.

These days maximum of people being inspired more with the radical jobs done by great hacking groups. There are a few steps to know hacking could be watching good documentaries.

Some of them are:

#1. We are Legion: The Story of Hacktivists

This documentary allows you to go through a complicated culture and to know more about the history of the few hacker groups.

#2. The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz

Aaron Hillel Swartz, an American programmer, a leader and an Internet hacktivist. He was concerned with the development of the web feed design RSS along with the Markdown publishing, the website framework organization Creative Commons and social news site Reddit, where he become the associate when the merger with the corporation took place, Infogami.

#3. Hackers Are People Too

Hackers do laundry. Hackers like movies. Hackers are individuals who could be your brother, your groups. This documentary represents the hacking community, shaped by the communal themselves, this movie tries to put down negative stereotypes and try to portray hackers to be like normal people.


#4. Def Con: The documentary

A documentary which consist of the globe’s largest hacking convention. Recorded with the summer of 2012 which contains a hard work of hundreds of hours including lot of presentations and spectacle.

#5. Hackers World: Anonymous investigation

A rare sit-down interview with an associate of the infamous collective “Anonymous”.

#6. Hacker:

Inspired by true actions, Hacker (2016) is a rather cool adventure about a young hacker who get in problem while raising money for his family with illegal hacking techniques, i recently found out that the critics hated it but i really liked it. I believe that it is fun to watch! Not so much thought provoking, but fun.


#7. TPB-AFK (The Pirate-Bay Away from Keyboard)

The Pirate Bay, our torrent website was taken down and 25 million users were left disappointed and alone, don’t know how to watch their favorite movie in 1080 blu-ray for free (exaggerating). Jokes aside, this movie shows the rise and fall of The Pirate Bay, everyone who is browsing the website should watch it.

#8. The hacker wars:

The Hacker Wars is another film about Anonymous, however this one is more up-to-date and a bit more exciting. Recent years have seen a growing battle for Internet privacy and freedom for users around the world. It’s the movie of how hacktivists transfer to make changes through hacking and what happens when they collide the FBI.

#9. Who am I? No system is safe

The only reason why this movie is not at the top five is because it has not become a classic yet. This movie left me in fear, a slick German Cyber-thriller full of suspense, killing, partying, drugs, women and computer-based action with a classic genius computer nerd (Benjamin), struggling to have a social life at the middle of everything.

#10. Swordfish

This documentary enables you to closely watch all the aspects of hacking. It is a very interesting movie for the hacking lovers.


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