John The Ripper: Password Cracker

John the ripper is the password cracking tool, which is used to test password strength, brute-force encrypted (hashed) passwords, and crack passwords via dictionary...

Crunch: Password Attacks

  A crunch is a tool that is used to generate the wordlist, the wordlist is generated with all possible permutations and combinations, in which...

PYSA : Security Tool As Open Source

Facebook releases a tool named PYSA, as an open-source tool, after the success of tool on Instagram. PYSA : It is used to detect the bugs...

Database Hacking : Sql Injection

SQL injection is a very common technique for hacking web applications, SQL injection can easily destroy the database of the website. SQL injection is the...

NMAP : Tutorial

Network mapped (nmap) is a network scanning and host detection tool that is very useful in the course of numerous steps of penetration checking...

Deep Web : How To Access it ?

Introduction: There are many types of web ! but some of the main on which i will focus on my blog are: 1. Surface Web 2. Dark...

Metasploit : Mobile Hacking

Hack Smart Phone Using Kali(Remotely)   Hello Hackers, This is a tutorial explaining how to hack smart phones with kali. STEP 1: OPEN KALI/PARROT: # Open up your terminal...

Shellphish : A Phishing Tool

Shellphish is a tool used for phishing attacks, this tool offers phishing templates of more than 18 famous websites. NOTICE: This article is for educational...

Adobe : Open Source Tool For Exposed Credentials

Adobe tool named Dubbed Stringlifier is available as open source ,The Tool was written in Python and leverages machine learning to differentiate random character...

The First Ever Youtube Video Has Been Ruined: Here’s Why

The first-ever video that was uploaded to youtube has been ruined because of some hack which has taken place. The video’s description has been edited...

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